Thursday, August 27, 2020
Gender Differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words
Sex Differences - Essay Example The arrangement and the outcome of any of the previously mentioned events needs unique arranging and support. The examination will show that due to our great molding, we are deliberately barring a section of our populace from taking part in a terrifically significant endeavor. The writing will utilize the instructive framework to show how we see sexual orientation, and how this respected discernment slants the strategy and demeanor of guidance and consideration, in encouraging a simple resilience, and not an equivalent promise to the nearness of young ladies in the homeroom. The way that sexual orientation contrasts in the study hall isn't seen as a critical substance, is hindering the development and preventing the maximum capacity from securing a lion's share of the young populace. Furthermore, the writing will likewise address the hole and the nonattendance of ethnic sexual orientation decent variety contemplations in the instructive framework. The framework tends to this issue as though the low pay minority female is available in the study hall, just to await her opportunity, until something different tags along. She gets little kudos for her accomplishments and given just easygoing affirmation for her endeavors. The writing embarks to feature the presence of sex contrasts and whether the nearness of these distinctions is ripe ground for inclination. Furthermore, regardless of whether the predisposition brings about a weakness for any of the gatherings influenced. Is it a reality that young men are taught uniquely in contrast to young ladies, and assuming this is the case, does the bit of leeway have a positive or negative effect on the accomplishment of the sexual orientation or race of those without the bit of leeway. By and large, 30 focuses not as much as her Caucasian partner on the SAT. Regardless of whether the male has a lower GPA than the female, his scores will be higher than the female.This wonder is so inescapable until school affirmation officials have received an approach to offer a 30 point leniency among male and female scores when settling on confirmation choices. 2.0 CHAPTER TWO 2.1 GENDER IDENTITY Sexual orientation personality is the people private experience of his/her sex; the idea of the self as manly or female. This is such a significant piece of an individual's self idea that in many grown-ups it is for all intents and purposes difficult to transform it. There are a few alternate points of view on how sexual orientation character is shaped and this essayist finds the accompanying ideas the most fitting; psychoanalytical, social learning, and intellectual development.Psychoanalytical hypothesis portrays a procedure wherein the small kid identifies3 with a similar sex parent. She disguises the qualities and conduct styles of that parent and start unwittingly to respond in comparable manners; Social Learning hypothesis recommends that the youngster builds up a sexual orientation character through a learning procedure that includes demonstrating, impersonation and support. The hypothesis lays on the presumption that young men figure out how to be young men and young ladies to be
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American Military Occupation of Japan (1945-1952) Changed Japans Term Paper
American Military Occupation of Japan (1945-1952) Changed Japans Political Institutions And Processes - Term Paper Example Japanese individuals strictly accepted that they were predominant, yet when they began to feel that the Americans viewed them as sub-par animals, the contention has heightened. The assault in Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the nuclear bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were the major fierce charges occurred between the U.S. what's more, Japan. After the nuclear bombings, Japan has acknowledged its annihilation, and Emperor Hirohito mentioned his military powers to submit to General Douglas MacArthur being the delegated Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan. The American heros involved Japan from 1945-1952, and inside these years, the connection between the two nations was reinforced. In 1952, the Occupation specialists have returned Japan to the Japanese individuals; notwithstanding, they ensure that Japanese heads were at that point furnished with information, devotion, and truthfulness on their positions. In this manner, they were at that point fit for carrying the nation to progress and not to death. Source: â€Å"Australia and Japan†Figure 1 shows the GDP of Japan after the American Occupation. It shows that Japan and the U.S. have equivalent footings as far as GDP development, yet there is a converse of development on the twentieth century. As per Hobbs and Dolan, â€Å"Japan’s extraordinary relationship with the United States supported the economy long after the American occupation ended†(402). At present, the two nations are currently generally excellent companions and nearest military partners. Truth be told, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that the entire Japan is really grateful for the U.S. unflinching help, and he further recognized the â€Å"importance of the U.S. military nearness for the harmony and security of the region†(Ito). The American individuals additionally felt... The Occupation has made Japan a solid vote based nation and its essential targets incorporate the â€Å"abolition of militarism and ultra-national associations in all structures; incapacitate and disarm Japan; fortify law based inclinations and procedures in government†. At the point when the Occupation began to rule the nation, the Westerners reasoned that the change procedure would not be obvious in light of the fact that individuals would not coordinate. Nonetheless, Occupation specialists have regarded the Japanese individuals; actually, they have been sympathetic and didn't manhandle their capacity to show to them that they were not foes, yet companions who were eager to help. They have additionally underscored that they couldn't authorize anything to Japan without their endorsement and backing since majority rule government is about opportunity of articulation. In this manner, getting, regard, and participation have been framed between the two nations. The American Military Occupation of Japan is huge to the historical backdrop of Japanese individuals, especially to their political setting. The greater part of the changes presented during the Occupation are as yet unblemished until today; truth be told, these are the reasons why Japan has gotten one of the most evolved nations in the twentieth century. Additionally, it helped Japanese pioneers to recover the trust and certainty of their kin, which was squandered during their acquiescence in 1945. Japan completely turned into a just nation under the American vanquishers, which had opened the hole between the two nations and turned out to be close partners in military and political issues. The Japanese individuals are exceptionally thankful to the American’s impact during the Occupation, and the American vanquishers have valued the people’s readiness to acknowledge their destiny under their administration.
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Are Transition Words
What Are Transition Words Transition words are words or phrases used to link ideas together. They help your reader to see more than one point is important and both should be taken into consideration. They also indicate different ideas in the same paragraph or sentence are related. Lets get into the different types of transition words to make the concept clearer. This wont give you the full list of transition words, but will make it possible to easily recognize them. These words can be used to show two things agree with each other, are similar to each other, or youre giving additional information. When you are adding information or reinforcing an idea you might use one of the following transition words: Also In addition Likewise In the first place Not only (an additional also comes into the sentence when you use this one) Not to mention By the same token Coupled with In the light of Equally Some of these are also short, basic words such as: And To Again Also Like Then Transition words can be used to point out a contradiction, a limitation or an opposing point of view: Rather than Although this may be true On the contrary In contrast Despite In reality Then again Even though On the other hand At the same time But Rather Or Yet While Albeit Notwithstanding When you are trying to link cause and effect, write about something that is conditional or express an intention, you may also use transitional words: In the event of (or that) For the purpose of Inasmuch as For fear that As long as Granted that With this in mind In order to In view of Because of With this intention If Unless While When Whenever Another time youd use these words is when you want to give an example, support a point or emphasize it: Especially In other words For one thing For this reason That is to say In this case Must be remembered For example Notably Like Truly Chiefly Expressly Significantly In fact We also use transitional words to show that something has a consequence or result: Accordingly In that case As a result Thus Consequently Under these circumstances Hence Therefore Henceforth Forthwith We use them to make conclusions too: Generally speaking All things considered In the long run As shown In conclusion In a word As has been noted Given that After all In short By and large In any event All in all Obviously Definitely Ultimately and to define a time period At the present time Presently From time to time Sooner or later At the same time Simultaneously To begin with Meanwhile Eventually Finally Last Until Before Whenever Next Now Lastly (did you spot the transition word there?), transition words can indicate a place or space: In the middle Central to In the center of Adjacent to Opposite to In front of Near Below Under Down Up Beyond Amid Across Alongside Its important to note that none of these words and phrases are actually wrong, Im inclined to think that using simple, straightforward language is best. This means that you often dont need to use many of the transition words listed above. For example, Im guilty of using in addition, but I could just as easily say also or even and. As for albeit and notwithstanding, Im inclined to think that but and nevertheless are every bit as good and much more accessible to a reader. For the purpose of is also one Ill admit to using, but it can easily be reduced to three letters. I prefer for and it will do the job just as well most of the time. As for At the present time, the word now is really all we need. In the event of is similar. It can be replaced with the two letter word if. Youll usually only use the wordier of these transition phrases in academic writing, and they can be helpful. After all, although your choice of transition words may not necessarily impress your teacher, you can use the longer phrases to stretch your word count. Remember, every time you write in the event of instead of if thats three words towards your target word count instead of one. For the purpose of could just be for, but then you only get one word instead of four. Transition words are handy, and everyone uses them a lot, but be careful about using excessively wordy ones unnecessarily.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Key Action Plan Of Communication - 1666 Words
Cultural Barriers to Communication What plan do you suggest for handling communication problems involved in the given scenario? Why? The key action plan of communication need to be developed, as on the basis of situation in the given scenario, proper communication plan need to be developed. This will resolve the future error, as faced by Chinese nurse, Meelynn. This will include- ïÆ' ¼ All the responsible person will know their stakeholders, aims of your intervention and for maintaining the required positive changes. ïÆ' ¼ I must develop a communication plan that includes the Goals to achieve, information received, what perfect information is required to communicate, When and how often the RN must communicate, and very important the method†¦show more content†¦will lead to the error and ultimately lead to increase the patient risk by many folds, which can lead to high mortality and length of stay. Besides, poor communication errors in ICUs, medication errors due to communication problem results in serious health care infections. Medication errors results from poor communication are mostly from nurses, during the medication administration, report analysis, prescribers report communication, explaining the correct patient’s symptoms, etc. What are the two major problems associated with written communication and two with verbal communication in an organization? All communication system and methods have advantage and disadvantage. The written communication has two major disadvantages, as mentioned below- ïÆ' ¼ Written communication is very difficult and Useless for the illiterate person. For illiterate receiver, written communication is quite impossible, and is considered as the major disadvantage. ïÆ' ¼ The second most disadvantage of written communication is the lack of flexibility. It cannot be changed, as mentioned in written proof and documents cannot be changed at any time. So, this is considered as the most important limitations of written communication. The verbal communication has two major disadvantages, as mentioned below- ïÆ' ¼ The very first is the assumptions, most of the time it was reported that the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Bipolar Moods and Symptoms - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 839 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/29 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Topics: Bipolar Disorder Essay Did you like this example? To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder you have to have had a manic episode. The manic episode could have been led by and maybe followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. A manic episode is a distinct period of unusual and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood and increased goal-directed activity or energy. Lasting at least one week and present most of the day. When mood disturbance is severe enough to cause problems in social or occupational functioning this could mean a manic episode is happening. Some of the warning signs to look out for during a manic episode are any noticeable change from normal behavior, some of the symptoms that happen are increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, being more talkative than usual, distractibility, increase in goal-directed activity, excessive involvement in activities that could have painful consequences. Some examples of these painful consequences could be shopping sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments. You have to have three or more of these symptoms during a manic episode. Sometimes hospitalization is necessary in order to prevent harm to self or others. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bipolar Moods and Symptoms" essay for you Create order During a major depressive episode if you have five or more of the following symptoms during the same two week period and represent a change from normal activity. Depressed mood most of the day, pretty much every day, feeling sad, empty, or hopeless. Diminished interest or pleasure in all, or most activities. Weight loss when not trying to lose weight or significant weight gain (a change in at least 5% of body weight in a month). Insomnia or hypersomnia every day or almost every day. Psychomotor agitation or retardation almost every day which is observable by others and is not just simply feelings of restlessness or being slowed down. Fatigue or loss of energy most days. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt. Lack of ability to concentrate or being indecisive. And thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal thoughts without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a having a specific plan to commit suicide. At least one of the symptoms has to be either depressed mood or loss of interest or ple asure. These symptoms will cause clinically large distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of life. Mood during a manic episode can be described as euphoric and excessively cheerful. In some cases the mood is so extreme that it is easily recognized as excessive and may be categorized by unlimited enthusiasm for social, sexual, and work relationships. Often the mood is irritable instead of elevated. Especially when the individuals wishes are denied or they have been abusing any substances. Rapid changes in mood over short periods of time can occur and are referred to as lability (the alternation between euphoria, dysphoria, and irritability). During a manic episode the individual does not know they are ill or in need of treatment. And they will heatedly resist treatment. The wide mood swings, excessive optimism, lavishness, and poor judgment usually lead to reckless involvement in things like shopping sprees, giving away possessions, reckless driving, foolish business investments, and sexual promiscuity. The sexual behavior can include infidelity or casual sexual encounters with strangers. The individual will often not care about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or risk of pregnancy. The manic episode has to result in impairment in social or occupational functioning or require hospitalization to prevent them from harming themselves or others. Individuals may change their appearance to a more sexual and flashy style. Some observe that they have a sharper sense of smell, vision, or hearing. Gambling and anti-social behavior can also be part of a manic episode. Sometimes an individual can become hostile and violent when delusional and may because physically aggressive or suicidal. This happens because the individual has poor judgement, loss of insight, and hyperactivity. Mood can shift very quickly from anger to depression. The suicide risk for an individual with bipolar disorder is at least fifteen times higher than the average person. Bipolar disorder accounts for a quarter of all completed suicides. A common feature of bipolar disorder is increased impulsivity, which adds to the suicide attempts and substance use disorders. There may also be increased creativity in some individuals with a bipolar disorder. But the individuals attachment to heightened creativity during hypomanic episodes may contribute to hesitation about seeking treatment or undermine devotion to treatment. Bipolar disorder is one of the worlds 10 most disabling conditions, taking away years of healthy functioning from individuals who have the illness. With no predilection for nation, race, or socioeconomic status, classic manic-depressive illness has a prevalence of approximately 1% across all populations. However, the personal and societal costs of bipolar disorders are not limited to the more traditional bipolar I subtype, which includes episodes of full-blown mania and major depression. Bipolar II disorder, involving episodes of less severe hypomania and major depression, and bipolar spectrum subtypes, which probably bring the prevalence of all bipolar disorders to more than 3% of US individuals, can also be devastating conditions. All bipolar disorders are chronically recurring illnesses associated with substantial morbidity and mortality.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Michael Levins the Case for Torture (Review)
Michael Levin’s â€Å"The Case for Torture†argues that there are various reasons for allowing torture to exist in the United States of America. Levin would love to see society change its negative views on torture so that, under certain circumstances, torture would be permissible. The article starts off with a very brief description of how he believes society views the subject of torture as a negative thing. He leads on to oppose that way of thinking and provides three cases in which he believes torture must be administered with various reasons attempting to support his thoughts. The hypothetical cases Levin uses range from very extreme situations, to a situation where we may sometimes see on the news. Levin makes it clear to the audience that†¦show more content†¦Once again, what exactly is torture going to do in this situation if the bomb is in the air on the plane? How exactly is the bomb going to be defused? I feel that this situation could have made much better of an argument if he would have taken the time to clear up exactly how the bomb was going to get defused. Later in the paragraph Levin adds in, If you caught the terrorist, could you sleep nights knowing that millions died because you couldnt bring yourself to apply the electrodes?(201). It is clearly an emotionally loaded sentence. He purposely italicizes the word you because he wants you to sink into that thought and make you feel really bad about the situation. The third hypothetical case, which I consider weakest, is explained with results of an informal poll based on the situation. In the poll, four mothers are asked if they would approve the torturing of the kidnapper that kidnaps their child if that were necessary to get them back. All four mothers said they would approve of it. I feel this argument does not give a great example of what makes torture acceptable. It is more of an example to show what someone would do for their loved ones. Its weakness is clearly seen i n the number of participants in the poll that he is using and in the biased opinion they most likely already had. The best part of Levin’s reasoning is expressed when he speaks of why exactly he believes torture should be accepted and not viewed upon as something
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case Study of Fayola-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Fayola. Answer: Fayola is a Nigerian immigrant who is 32 weeks pregnant. She is suffering from gestational diabetes and is currently on diet control. Her husband is an exchange student at the university doing graduate work in medicine. He works very long hours, leaving her alone most of the time. Her English is not good and she is very shy. She misses her family, especially now that she is pregnant. She is living alone for most of the time as her husband is a student at a university studying graduation in medicine. Fayola is 32 weeks pregnant and has just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and is currently being diet controlled. This is her second visit at the clinic since her diagnosis. In this paper it has been discussed about the stages of growth and development, priority health needs, teaching strategies and the quality of learning of Fayola. Stages of growth and development Development of a human being is a process of physical, mental, behavioural and emotional growth (Du 2015). This stage of the development is the important part for the developmental psychology, which makes wide generalizations. The stages of growth and development are Infants and toddlers 0-3years Preschooler 4-5 years School going children 6-10 years Teens 11-17 Adults 18 above According to the case study Fayola is an adult and is pregnant. At this stage she has some specific growth and developmental theory. During this time the embryo gets fertilized and develops into a fetus by the end of tenth week. The next period is of the development of organs; this stage is known as gestational period. Readiness to learn Fayola is an immigrant of Nigeria so she had a difficulty in speaking English and also very shy. She needs a proper training so that she can manage her emotional and physical changes by her own (Taylor, 2015). But as she is too much shy, she generally doesnt want to interact with the people nor with the doctor appointed for her care. Priority health needs Two learning needs of Fayola are the ways so that she can take care of herself all over the day whenever she stays alone and to learn about the amount and type of food to consume, so that her diet can be maintained properly (Yee, Niznik Simon, 2016). Educational content According to the laymans theory, Fayola must be provided with the facility of communication so that it becomes easy for the patient to understand the teaching process and also can understand the words of the nutrition and the gynecologist. A care worker must be appointed for Fayola to take care of her needs at the time her is not with him (Downing Hastings-Tolsma, 2016). On the other hand she must be taught about her nutrition needs so that she can stay fit and also her diet is maintained to control her diabetes. The care worker must check the blood sugar level of Fayola at regular intervals. This can be done by using portable glucometers, for checking the levels of sugar in blood. This is done by the analyzing of small amount of blood taken from the fingertip. The glucometer pricks the finger and the blood is obtained. Then the blood sugar level is measured by the glucometer. Exercises for the diabetes people are brisk walking, light jogging, balancing exercises and stretches. Thes e exercises can help the patient in controlling the diabetes. Teaching strategies Giving Fayola proper communication Providing proper nutrition To provide the communication Fayola can be provide with videos and language translation books so that it can help her to understand the English language and becomes compatible and acquainted to communicate with the care worker, gynecologist and the nutritionist. For teaching about the nutrition diet she must be provided with the diet charts and videos which will help her in learning about the food that is beneficial for her health (Macha et al., 2014). Counseling can also be done with her so that she can understand the benefits the food provided in her diet chart. Evaluation of learning After the teaching process she must be assessed that is she able to understand the language spoken by the doctors that is English. These can be done by giving some sessions to Fayola and then asking about what she had learnt. At that time if it was seen that she is not able to learn properly then again another session was taken to make her understand the needs properly (Lindqvist, 2016). For maintaining the diet Fayola was provided with the diet chart and it was checked that whether her diet is properly maintained or not (Steele Layman, 2016). For checking this a regular weight check up is done so that her weight does not increases, if her weight is increased then it will increase the fat in the uterus which will create a problem in the proper development in the growth of the fetus. Her blood test is to be done at regular intervals to measure the blood sugar levels. Also the USG test is done to check the growth of the fetus (Ladkany Layman, 2017). This is done because the glucose is continuously flowing from the mother to the baby through the placenta. So if there is a huge flow of glucose to the fetus then it can harm the growth of the fetus. Conclusion Thus from this whole concept it can be concluded that by the help of the above mentioned teaching process and the strategies Fayola can be helped in recovering both her loneliness and maintaining her diet so that it her pregnancy can be kept safe and the growth of the baby is proper. Fayola must be provided with the facility of communication so that it becomes easy for the patient to understand the teaching process and also can understand the words of the nutrition and the gynecologist. A care worker must be appointed for Fayola to take care of her needs at the time her is not with him. Fayola can be provide with videos and language translation books so that it can help her to understand the English language and becomes compatible and acquainted to communicate with the care worker, gynecologist and the nutritionist. References Taylor, A. (2015). A Critical Approach to Human Growth Development, 1366-1368. Du, A. (2015). Human Growth and Development Considerations in Rehabilitation Counseling.The Journal of Rehabilitation,81(4), 57. Downing, C., Hastings-Tolsma, M. (2016). An integrative review of Albertina Sisulu and ubuntu: Relevance to caring and sa gesondheid,21, 214-227. Steele, B. J., Layman, K. (2016). Ectopic Pregnancy After Plan B Emergency Contraceptive Use.The Journal of emergency medicine,50(4), 663-666. Ladkany, D., Layman, K. (2017). Imaging Considerations in Pregnancy. InEmergency Department Management of Obstetric Complications(pp. 159-168). Springer International Publishing. Macha, S., Muyuni, M., Nkonde, S., Fandes, A. (2014). Increasing access to legal termination of pregnancy and postabortion contraception at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics,126, S49-S51. Yee, L. M., Niznik, C. M., Simon, M. A. (2016). Examining the role of health literacy in optimizing the care of pregnant women with diabetes.American journal of perinatology,33(13), 1242-1249. Lindqvist, M. (2016).Experiences of counselling on physical activity during pregnancy Gestational diabetes mellitus: screening and pregnancy outcomes(Doctoral dissertation, Ume universitet).
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
The Global IT Industry
Table of Contents Introduction IT Services Industry Trends Pressure in outsourcing Growth potential Emerging areas of growth Conclusion Works Cited The global IT industry continues to show growth year after year, with the software market expanding at a whopping 8% per annum. The convergence of hardware, software and services is creating new markets, and we are witnessing a global paradigm shift from hardware to software.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Global IT Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is anticipated that the IT services industry will expand along with the IT industry. In 2012, the IT services market will likely see a slowdown in demand from traditional IT services such as consulting and system integration, while cloud computing and convergence services should create new demand. Meanwhile, in the outsourcing market, cost reduction and operating efficiency are likely to be emphasized, while demand for business process and application outsourcing should increase (Roy 3). Introduction IT services companies are faced with global economic challenges with growth projections tempered by reticent stances in large developed markets such as North America and Western Europe, while focusing on fast growing economies such as China, India and Latin America. Gartner forecasted a 7.4% growth in overall IT Services spending from $793 million in 2010 to $851.6 billion in 2011. It also predicted increased software support over a multi-year period, between 2010 and 2015, with a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2%, followed by consulting at 5.8%, process management at 5.1%, development and integration at 4.9% and IT management at 4.8%. Over this same timeframe, hardware maintenance and support is expected to grow the slowest with a forecasted CAGR of 3.3% (KPMG, Quarterly Update for the IT Services Industry 1). IT Services Industry Trends Gartner indicated that there is inc reasing usage of specialized cloud based services, provided by a variety of cloud providers, which will increase the ability to aggregate, integrate, govern and customize disparate cloud offerings based on the needs and preferences of their customers. In addition to this, Gartner indicated that the need for governments in developed countries to achieve cost savings owing to budgetary constraints increase has resulted in pushing IT service providers to offshore low cost locations. The quarterly TPI Index displays trends on BPO and IT outsourcing and contract spending by regions and industries. The IT Outsourcing Total Contracting Value (TCV) for the third quarter of 2011 was estimated at $11.3 billion, representing quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year declines of 8.0% each (KPMG, Quarterly Update for the IT Services Industry 2). Pressure in outsourcing Strong pricing pressure is being exerted by buyers on outsourcing and other third-party service providers, though leading provider s are typically able to hold their own and avoid unprofitable deals. Some of the leading global business and IT service providers include: Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CSC and Infosys (KPMG, KPMG Sourcing Advisory 4Q11 Global Pulse Survey 3).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most of the service providers (61%) indicated that the growth levels in their pipelines for service deals cited a 15% drop in growth over the past quarter of 2011, with only 45% of the providers projecting an increase in the pace of customer demand for business and IT services over the next one to two, which is a drop of 14 percent from last quarter and 29% from 2Q11. Chart 1: service providers: new deal pipeline projections (KPMG) Growth potential BPO has been affected by evolving trends, which include: consolidation of vendors (CRM), slippage in deal size (FA), and shift to alternative services lik e BPU; resulting in lower transaction deal size. As for the ITO, the forecast has been lowered to 2.9% growth in CY12 (earlier 4.1%); however, there are growing evidences of vendor churns on accounts of better ROI, innovation and compelling pricing through off shoring. Gartner projects 16-21% revenue growth in USD terms for Indian IT companies largely driven by volume traction (Roy). The growth of individual companies in off shoring is dependent on a few factors including: the company’s size and market position, which is an important barometer since large IT services providers with leading market positions have an advantage over their competitors in terms of experience, talent pool, project knowhow, funding capabilities and client preferences; stability of the business structure, which requires a captive customer base, therefore, preference is given to IT services firms operating under a group umbrella over stand-alone firms as they enjoy stable sources of revenues; consisten t acquisition of overseas orders; and how well the company is prepared for newly emerging technologies (e.g. IT convergence and cloud computing) (Jeong 3). Emerging areas of growth Global spending on IT services has remained stable in the first half of 2011, whereas global outsourcing is growing faster. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), the spend on IT Services is expected to grow by 4% in 2011, higher than the 2% growth rate witnessed in 2010, while global outsourcing or outsourcing to low†cost destinations such as India, China and Philippines grew by 12% (Avendus 14). Information Systems (IS) outsourcing registered the highest growth rate of 12.3% in 2010, despite the overall spend growing by just 1%, indicating the growing demand for these services (Avendus 15). This growth momentum is expected to continue in FY12 led by higher technology spend globally.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Global IT Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Large Indian IT vendors like Infosys, TCS, Wipro and HCL Tech will benefit the most from this improved demand environment as compared to the smaller IT vendors. However, issues on the supply side like salary hikes and higher attrition will have a negative impact on their profitability in FY12. Conclusion US geography has outperformed lead growth for Indian IT vendors. Improved economic environment in US and better GDP growth will boost IT spending and lead to an improvement in sentiments. Europe has lagged behind in terms of growth but is expected to do well in FY12 as companies become more open towards offshore outsourcing (Taurani 4). Works Cited Avendus. â€Å"IT Services.†India Equity Research Technology (2012): 1-27. Print. Jeong, Dae-ro. IT Services. London: Daewoo Securities, 2012. Print. KPMG. â€Å"KPMG Sourcing Advisory 4Q11 Global Pulse Survey.†Equaterra (2012): 2-33. Print. KPMG. Quarterly Update fo r the IT Services Industry. USA: KPMG, 2011. Print. Roy, Arup. Indian IT Services. Mumbai: Reuters, Thomson Publishers and Bloomberg, 2011. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Taurani, Karan. â€Å"Persistent Growth Momentum.†KSL – IT Sector Update (2011). Print. This essay on The Global IT Industry was written and submitted by user Jaylee Francis to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Chopins The Awakening essays
Chopins The Awakening essays Still Asleep and Mostly Happy that Way: The Awakening (1899) as Socially Critical Text and (and in) Kate Chopins Time Within Kate Chopins novel The Awakening, which was first published in 1899 to mixed (actually, mostly negative) reviews, and then greeted publicly with a great deal of condemnation (Sprinkle, 1995), the main character Edna Pontellier suffers increasing despair and hopelessness, as a married woman of 28 with two small sons. These spring from her realizations that she is unhappy, misunderstood, and, worst of all, alone with her feelings in a traditional Catholic, Creole-dominated social environment in which womens roles, in particular, are especially narrow and truncated. Once Edna knows she returns the younger, enviably carefree Robert Lebruns attraction to her, she also recognizes, regretfully and with wistfulness for lost youthful opportunities at passion, that she is nevertheless trapped inside a loveless marriage, with responsibilities to small children. All of that spawns the beginning of Ednas sad, slow, lonely, and ultimately fatal, awakening that summer at Grande Isl e. Initially within this novel, Edna Pontellier simply admits, implicitly, to herself if not yet aloud to anyone else, when alone in her bedroom, after she and Leonce quarrel at dinner over its poor quality (he blames her) that she is alienated from her husband and frustrated with mindless, meaningless, mundane married life. Edna, at this same time, has grown increasingly indifferent, to the point of near-hostility, even, about any and all of her expected wifely and motherly roles: from organizing the household and managing the hired help to accepting visits from social callers to making light conversation with a husband with whom she feels nothing important in common. The best evidence of all this, is that Edna is content to carry these daily obligations of marriage badly, or ev...
Friday, February 21, 2020
CCI - Business Plannin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CCI - Business Plannin - Essay Example â€Å"Lean manufacturing is a manufacturing strategy that seeks to produce a high level of throughput with a minimum of inventory†(Blacharski, 2012). This way, both the direct and the overhead costs of the business are reduced since the products are manufactured and delivered only when they are required and in as much quantity as is required. This not only reduces the wastage of materials but also saves the company the cost of waste disposal. In addition to that, the reduced amount of waste has a positive impact on the company’s image in the eyes of the stakeholders and the public at large. Uncertainty is definite to come with innovation because wherever there is innovation, something not done before is being done. It might take some time for the business to derive the benefits of innovation, but the long term effects are definitely favorable and provide the companies with different kinds of competitive
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
INTEREIM PROJECT REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
INTEREIM PROJECT REPORT - Essay Example Wakelyn (49) asserts that the report gives summarized initial findings of the second assessment of the interim project report which aims at exploring the benefits of the occupational & health safety management. The project helps the students to apply the management theories to organizational settings such as a business to ensure the swift running of its activities as asserted by Ares (67). The assessment also assists students in applying the management skills in resolving around a management issue. This is done through effective communication within the workplace which ensures an environment which nurtures business opportunity among the students (Schwartz 13). Therefore, an interim manager is a person who provides temporary managerial support usually to an executive level of an organization or business and who also leads in achieving its objectives (Kahlmeter 17). The interim management helps an organization surpass a trouble which might need extra management resources to control the crisis or transformation in the direction of management. There is a series of test for example clinical trials that can be used to tests and determine the managerial skills in project research and development in order to come up with individuals who are able to generate safety and efficacy in the project report. According to Kahlmeter (20), the interim project report provides an opportunity to present the details of the running of the project. This demonstrates the integration of the project management theory in planning stages (Christensen 343). This report gives a setailed of a number of assessments that was done during the implementation of the project especially on occupational and health safety management. The report also is a detailed interim of relationships of activities in the Jim’s company company business such as cleaning background, job functions and safety medical management among others.This report is presented in the business format which is submitted to the m anagement team of the organization. The report also varies according to the nature of the project but the report encompasses the following: Scope statement Meyers et al (10) have it that scope statement depends on the type of project being implemented and also the nature of the organization and it normally takes many forms. The scope statement normally gives details of the project and it also describes the major objectives of the projects. This is the part of the project report that captures the broader terms and the narrower terms of the products of the project (Schwartz 19). The objectives stated here should have a measurable success criterion that will help in the realization of the project’s goals. This part of the interim report normally contains a list of users of the products and the features of the products to be introduced in the market which the business produces (Meyers et al 19). The scope statement of the interim project report contain the project name, the proje ct charter, the project owner, sponsors, stakeholders, the problem statement, the project goals, objectives and among other project requirements. The scope also states
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Effects Of War On Humanity
The Effects Of War On Humanity A dictionary definition of War is a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. Whilst this definition is clear enough it does not come close to exploring the true meaning of war in terms of emotions and the effects of war on humanity as detailed throughout history by the poets. Wars prior to 1914 have inspired poets to record for posterity the grime hard facts of conflict and the impact on lives While ravens and kites peck at human entrails (Li Po or Li Bais Nefarious War). Other poets have used war to stimulate their audience, maybe to take up arms When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made (Alfred Lord Tennysons The Charge of the Light Brigade), while others have used poetry to record glorious acts to maintain the memory and perhaps justify a past war So on they fought like a swirl of living fire (Homers The Iliad) which remained only as a verbal record for centuries before it was written down. The poems studied have explored the different aspects of war. From Homers The Iliad and his glorious description of Menelaus Finest Hour through to Alfred Lord Tennysons homage to courage and honour in his celebrated The Charge of the Light Brigade to Li Pos Nefarious War this essay will explore how poets have considered the impact of war on humanity. This essay will touch on the simple rhythm of Whitmans Beat! Beat! Drums! and narrative provided in another Walt Whitmans elegy Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night I kept one night. This essay will contrast the glory of a cavalry charge with Whitmans crushing description of the degeneration of a bereaved mother in Come up from the Fields Father. This essay will consider how these poems compare across the range of emotion all of which humanity has experienced when war is declared, fought or concluded. This essay will also make reference on John Scotts The Drum, comparing to the distaste for the different sounds of war. Homers The Iliad is an epic poem telling the story of the Trojan War. It is set in a time where people considered the Gods to be all powerful and present in life influencing every aspect of human existence. The war referred to in The Iliad was the Trojan War fought between the Greeks and the Trojans in what is now mainland Turkey. The war took place in the 8th or 9th century BC. The epic poem concerned the famous story of the abduction of Helen of Troy by Paris and her husband, the Greek King Menelaus war to gain her back and destroy the city of Troy. The Greeks landed close to Troy and besieged the city for ten years. During these years a number of battles were fought and The Iliad provided a narrative of these engagements. One such episode describes the fight over the body Patroclus, a friend of Achilles, who had been killed by Hector, the Trojan hero. In describing the fight for Patroclus body Homer recalls the gods Ares, Athena and finally Zeus and compares the warriors efforts t o those of the Gods Not even Ares [1] , lasher of armies, not even Athena [2] Watching the battle here could scorn its fury Homer demonstrates the supreme effort made to recover the body of a dead comrade. The use of anaphora here helps to highlight the colossal effort demonstrated during the conflict that not even the acts of Gods could compare. This comparison by Homer may have been a useful device in the context of the times in which the poem was retold usually by travelling actors bringing stories to distant Greek villages, the comparison of effort to that of the Gods implies superhuman strength designed, no doubt, to inspire awe from the villagers. Therefore the Iliad can also be compared to a type of propaganda, not only to entertain the masses, but also to remind them that the men at arms in the service of the King were to be not only admired but feared; in this way showing an effect on humanity. Homer sets a scene that is full of men grappling, fighting and straining. This titan like struggle contrasts with Whitmans elegy Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night I kept on the field one night where the authors reflections on the after battle scene describe a quiet lonely place Vigil wondrous and vigil sweet there in the fragrant silent night, But not a tear fell, not even a long-drawn sigh, long, long I gazed.. His use of long drawn sigh and repetition of long suggest time and space for reflection as opposed to the crowded feel of the combat in the Iliad. Further, Homers description of the environment Fought on at their ease beneath a clear blue sky, Sharp brilliance of sunlight glittering round them, not a cloud in sight to shadow the earth and mountains. Men who fought at a distance worked with frequent breaks suggest a sun scorched, hot sweating place where grit and dust mix with blood to create a fearsome scene. The imagery created would have been familiar to listeners who will have recognised such a hot eastern Mediterranean climate. Homers efforts to ensure his listeners recognition go some way to allowing empathy with the heroes in the poem. This narrative style contrasts with the short clipped verse in The Drumby John Scott which has an absence of any description of the environment in which the conflicts referred to take place. In The Iliad, Homer sets the scene providing a background for the listener to connect with whereas Whitmans poem has no intention or need for such description as his intention is dramatically different. InThe Drumthe environment has no relevance above the message that the pounding of the drum is the messenger of doom. Similarly, Beat! Beat! Drums! by Walt Whitman is being described by a tentative soldier; the soldier illustrates the hatred he obtains for this drum that is beating for the announcing of war breaking out. John Scott uses a very common poetic device in The Drum; he utilizes poetic meter to create the rhythm thus creating an echo of the drums. He uses iambic tetrameter as shown in the following quotation; I hate that drums discordant sound/ parading round, and round, and round. The pattern of the stressed and unstressed syllables (-/-/-/-/) conveys how the drum in the poem is being played. For Scott, the sound is hateful as it calls young men to fight and fall in foreign lands. In Whitmans poem he writes using free verse, however, the heavy stresses on the syllables on the opening line also demonstrates the sound of the drum. This suggests the destructive nature of war on humanity. The use of onomatopoeia in Beat! Beat! Drums! also helps suggest this. In Homers The Iliad, I feel as though Homers exploration on the effect of war on humanity is very clear. He shows the physically grueling experience of being on the battle field, with the gods as passive spectators. The Iliad includes a lot of references to the young men involved with battle; Grim and grueling, relentless drenching labour, non stop. Homer is making it clear through the use of alliteration, a list and negative words that these men are working very hard. This can be compared to the elegy Come Up From The Fields Father, as Whitman also shows the effect war has on young men. However, the two different poets have different ideas to put across to the reader. Homer wanted to show the benefits of the young fighting because of the enthusiastic approach revealed by them. Whitman wanted to show the negative effect of war on the young soldiers and their families. In the poem the family of the young soldier receives a letter that tells them he has been injured; gunshot wound in t he breast, cavalry skirmish, taken to hospital. The impact the letter has on the family is devastating and when the mother finds out that her only son is dead, she is so grief stricken that she wants to die. The second ancient poem under consideration is Li Pos Nefarious War. Li Po or Li Bai, the variation of Romanization of à ¦Ã‚ Ã… ½Ãƒ §Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã‚ ½, was a poet who lived around 700 BC in imperial China. He was a famous poet who wrote many poems on varied subjects including war, love and wine. He was renowned for his ability to write without correction. His career was spent in the court of the Chin Dynasty [3] but he fell foul to court intrigue and eventually committed suicide. Li Po was not a soldier but in his Nefarious War the speaker is clearly a warrior, who talks of his weariness with conflict and his reflection on wars impact. At the time of writing imperial China was engaged in continuous struggle to defend its borders against marauding tribes. The impact on its people was considerable. Given the vast size of China it was not possible to defend all the territory under the emperor and therefore much time was spent on the campaign where the armies would travel for years to combat warring hordes or tribes attempting to steal territory, people or possessions. Po seems to suggest war is unavoidable. His first stanza describes locations of the campaigns the head-stream of the Sang-kan, the Tsung-ho road, the waves of Chiao-chi lake and the pastures on Tien-shans snowy slopes. This can be compared to Homers description of the plains of Troy where a specific battle is fought for a specific reason. Li Po provides no particular political reason for war other than the need for defense against a foe. Nefarious War suggests an unrelenting, grinding attrition where the defenders of the empire need to be ever watchful Where the Chin emperor built the walls against the Tartars, There the defenders of Han are burning beacon fires. The beacon fires burn and never go out, There is no end to war this signifying a constant state of alertness using alliteration to make the point burning beacon fires./The beacon fires burn where the use of B provides a harsh staccato and repetition provide a prelude to the final There is no end to war suggesting an exhausti ng vigil followed by the suggestion of lament that no end to the conflict is in sight. Due to the depressing language Po uses, one thought springs to mind, Po might well be making a plea for peace symptomatic of a need for rest from the ever present danger and the need for a constant watch. This can be contrasted to the battle being described by Homer, it is stated that the fighting is done in one place, not on a widespread scale. Additionally, there are many references to the length of war, the fact that war goes on forever. Li Po describes the conflicts as The long, long war goes on ten thousand miles from home. The repetition used here is very effective, it makes the reader feels the real expression of tedium made by speaker. Also, Po uses the repetition to link to the idea of the life of a warrior being boring; the mere fact that it is the same everyday and nothing changes. John Scott uses repetition in his poem The Drum with his reference to the troops parading round, and round, and round. This is similar to the repetition of Long, long which suggests that war has a negative effect on humanity. Li Po goes on to describe the battlefield in his third stanza. In the battlefield men grapple each other and die provides a brief summary compared to Homers detailed description of the fight for Patroclus body. Li Pos economy with words suggests a different view of war. Far from it being an illustrious fight between men for a reason (the recovery of Patroclus body) the empty, uselessness suggested in this opening line portray a futility. Li Po contrasts the leaders with the followers So, men are scattered and smeared over the desert grass, and the generals have accomplished nothing. Here it is the ordinary soldiers that do the dying whilst the generals who command the army achieve little by the efforts of their men. In The Charge of the Light Brigade Tennyson refers to this element of war with his Not though the soldier knew, some one had blundered where generals order the deaths of men under their command without thought. However Tennyson goes on to emphasis the heroism and dedicati on to duty displayed by the cavalry at Balaclava whereas Li Pos reference to the men and horses dying merely reminds the reader of the impact of battle on them (The horses of the vanquished utter lamentable cries to heaven). This reminds us that the effect of war is not only on humanity, but on the animals. This can be therefore related back to Pos point about the gravity of war and how it affects everyone, that it is inescapable and destructive Li Po suggests a lot about the leaving of the bodies on the battle field. The mere fact of different birds of prey pecking at the human entrails explains to us that the dealing with human fatalities at this time was very poor. This image is repulsive it is clear that they dont even care what happens to the bodies due to the negative wording. However if you contrast this to Homers The Iliad, the fight for a heros body, such care and passion demonstrated in for the body of Patroclus and to ensure a proper burial. This is of course not the case for the bodies being described by Po. In Whitmans Vigil Strange I Kept On The Field One Night, there are many references to a brother or very close friend relationship between the two comrades representing, on a general scale, the bond between soldiers at the time of the American Civil War. An interesting point is that if we compare Nefarious War with the perspective of Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night, it demonstrates the progression in concern for soldiers as human beings, over the centuries, with individual lives and families rather than just complete armies or unnamed bodies on the battlefield. At a point of interest, The Iliad and Nefarious War were written in different parts of the world; therefore this can be linked to the conflict that exists today. This is the clash of Western vs. Eastern culture; it can be interoperated that Homer was presenting the ethos of his people and Li Po doing the same. Both poets representing the way in which warfare is dealt in their culture. Through out the range of poems that are being considered, there are aspects of soldiers joining in unity. Noticeably it is hardly used at all in Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night, as the idea that the poet wants to get across is the concept of the individual love and not of comrades showing unity. One may even sense an impression of ignorance, coming from the poet, of the soldiers feelings or of the terrible effects of the war-torn environment that surround them by focusing on one relationship and not the big picture. However, this is definitely not the case shown in Nefarious War; Po wants the widespread effects on humanity to be apparent while being read. Last year we fought by the head-stream of the Sang-kan, this year we are fighting on the Tsung-ho road. We have washed our armor in the waves of Chiao-chi Lake; we have pastured our horses on Tien-shans snowy slopes. The repetition of we in this context is an effective means of pulling in the reader and allowing Po to cr eate unity between himself and his comrades. We is often used as a motivational device to form a community within a group; it is used to show equality from even the lowest ranked soldier fighting alongside to a King. In this case, Po is trying to present to the reader the universal suffering that is taking place. This can be contrasted, with great clarity, to Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night, by the author showing individual anguish instead of a collective misery. Whilst the misery illustrated by Po throughout his poem does seem to distract from the actual descriptive nature of the war, his message should not be ignored that war is a destructive force and nothing good comes out of it. However, it is worthy of note that Pos exploration/description of war differs from Homers or Whitmans. Whitman shows an energized approach towards war, as though, he is remembering action to happen, for example, Beat! Beat! Drums!Blow! Bugles! Blow! Through the windowsthrough doorsburst like a ruthless force. This quotation demonstrates a real eruption of Whitmans message here that war is destructive, the explosive B alliteration articulated by Whitman shows us the genuine energy that war does in fact bring. In the first stanza of Nefarious War, the idea of fatigue is portrayed by Po with a thought of no hope, armies [have] worn and grown old. An automatic image that comes to mind when including such words as old and worn gives off the negative vibe intended by Po, it makes us imagine a withering army consisting of a few men. Consequently, Po intentionally illustrating the effects on humanity but especially the armed forces of the country. In spite of this; Po uses a lot of active verbs in the third stanza, comparable to the energy in The Iliad. Po uses words such as grapple and vanquish. This can be compared to the violent words used by Homer. The image in our heads of men hacking the lines to pieces and the illustration of both sides dragging the corpse. These expressions are full of energy; they are the many of the violent cinematic imagery used by Homer to formulate the actual being there effect the poet wants the reader to experience. In addition to that point, Homer wanted to report the horror of the battle of Troy; as a consequence he uses much hyperbole to shock his audience. One of the very moving similes Homer uses to describe the fighting is the link to fire, relating the fighting as a swirl of living fire. The main descriptive word here is fire, which gives an impression of carnage and mayhem. This is exactly what Homer wants to create; he wants to explain to the reader what a hectic battle this truthfully is. Nefarious War has a lot in common with another Whitman poem, Come Up From the Fields Father. This poem deals with the torment of war on humanity. It is about a letter arriving at a household in America reading that the son has a gunshot wound to his breast. This of course is devastating to the family. Whitman then focuses on the mothers reaction, which is fainting going Sickly white in the face and consequently wishing to die when she discovers her son is dead. Come Up From The Fields Father can be compared to Nefarious War in that they both deal on the effect of war on humanity and the disturbance of the normal life. While they stand at home at the door he is dead already, The only son is dead. This quotation is adequate for what the author is trying to explain to the reader, the idea is linked back to what Po wants to get across, the suggestion of no hope. This image plays in our mind, the word only automatically creates an image of aloneness or only one, and this demonstrating the devastating effects that war has on family life therefore Whitman showing no amnesty towards war. If you look at the different poetic devices used by Homer and Po, you will see that Homer uses a lot of enjambements to retain the flow of the action in the battle; In Nefarious War there is only one example of enjambment. An example from the illiad is; Achaeans to drag him back to the hollow ships/ And round him always the brutal struggle raging. It is worth noting how Homer wants the flow to stay fluent when being read; this is done by not using a comma at the end of the first line, hollow ships. Po wants to get the message through about the evils of war; he shows this by using negative poetic devices, such as sibilance. Sibilance comes from the Latin word meaning hissing the link to the ancient belief of a snake hissing; this being the link to evil. As in the bible, Satan disguised himself as a snake in the garden of evil. The representation of this is made by authors use of s, soft c, sh and z sounds. So, men are scattered and smeared. The annotation smeared is a very ugly word, it creates an automatic blood shed image, the hint of smearing blood on a sword. The concept of men [being] scattered is very potent to the reader, it creates a picture of a bomb shell hitting the battle field. This quotation is very clear in what Po wants you to get from his poem; he wants you to pick up on the evils of war, as shown by the use of sibilance. Po also wants you pick up on the effects of war on humanity, humanity being the men that have been scattered and smeared. Po comes across as one of the normal men affected by the war participating in his country; he uses a first hand account, fabricating the struggle of the humanity in ancient China. After all, war affected the run of the mill man, not specially trained soldiers, the average farmer as hinted by Po; The barbarian does man-slaughter, not plowing. This completes Pos message to the reader, the thought of war having an effect on not just humanity but the livelihood and the wellbeing of families. Thus Po intentionally showing the reader the detestable effects of war on the humanity in China at the time. Tennysons Charge of the Light Brigade is an example of a war poem written for a purpose that to provide some useful propaganda and to understand this more fully the context surrounding the setting needs to be considered.The Crimean War (1853 to 1856) fought between the allied coalition (Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia) and Russia was the first large scale conflict to be covered by journalists as we understand it today. For the first time reports of battle could be cabled or returned by fast sloop back to London in time for newspaper runs. Accounts of the battle field by independent reporters shocked the home audience as the public became aware for the first time of the poor conditions of the fighting soldiers and the incompetent nature of the leadership. The conflict surrounded Russias continual threat to the Ottoman Empire. Russia required a warm water port in the Mediterranean and provoked a war with Turkey over religious matters in Ottoman held Jerusalem. Britain and France came to Turkeys aid and sent men and ships to the black sea to counter the Russian threat to the Bosphorus. At this period, Britain was at its most powerful with an empire stretching around the globe. British superiority in trade, manufacturing and sea power provided a sense of invincibility to the nation who supported the war. Technology had developed to enable telegraphic communications and photography and so it was possible for the conflict to be followed both in the written form and visually in much shorter timescales than ever before. Russell of The Times was the most noted correspondent. The coalition forces had landed in the Crimea on the black sea and laid siege to Sevastopol, the main Russian port in the area. The coalition forces were thinly stretched through battle casualties but mainly through disease and poor sanitary conditions. In an attempt to raise the siege the Russian forces attacked the coalition flank at Balaklava. During this action there were three major events, the Highland soldiers resistance to a Russian cavalry charge the Thin Red Line the Charge of the Heavy Brigade to repulse a further cavalry attack and the most famous of all, the Charge of the Light Brigade. The first two actions were fine examples of British soldiers led by their commanders beating the enemy when defeat looked certain, however it is the Charge of the Light Brigade that has become world famous for its pointlessness. Against all the accepted rules of warfare of the day, the British Light cavalry charged the main body of the Russian army due to a poorly worded order. Many men and horses were killed for no gain. The Charge was reported by Russell and along with other reports of the poor handling of the war, public opinion turned against the conflict. Florence Nightingale famously intervened with the wounded and set up a hospital in Scutari. Questions were raised in parliament and long after the war ended there were concerns on all aspects of the handling of the war. It is against this backdrop that Tennysons Charge of the Light Brigade must be considered. Like Homer, Tennyson had specific reasons for the construction of his poetry. The war had proved unpopular and as Poet Laureate, Tennyson may have been responding to the public attacks against the establishment by presenting the charge in its more favourable light. Tennyson emphasises this in his last three lines Honour the charge they made! Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred! He keeps this exaltation to the last to leave the reader in no doubt that whatever the reasons for the blunder the charge was an honorable thing. Tennyson opens the account by recreating the rhythm of the horses cantering, Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward. This is an example of dactylic meter with the last foot onward as trochaic. This use of meter helps to establish the prologue to the action the cavalry steadily advancing on the enemy. Tennyson takes the reader to the centre of the action, Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them, and Stormed at with shot and shell. This use of anaphora and alliteration simulates the effect of gun fire as the cavalry move down the valley. Tennyson provides this imagery to set the scene of the carnage the men faced. Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell. Here Tennyson tells us that despite the storm of lead these well trained disciplined soldiers kept going where perhaps others would have stopped. He raises this point earlier in the poem Forward, the Light Brigade! Was there a man dismayed? This seems at first a rhetorical question, however Tennyson quickly confirms the irrelevance of the question with Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die in doing so he reminds the reader that the soldiers were there to do their duty and not question the intentions of their leaders. The repetition of Theirs is emphatic. It is not for the soldier to reply to an order neith er is it to try to fathom the intricacies of military tactics, their job was to follow orders and perhaps die in the process. Tennyson is reminding the audience of the nature of soldiering and warfare. The first three stanzas deal with the approach, the fourth addresses the action at the guns while the fifth describes the return of the Light Brigade. Tennyson repeats his use of alliteration here again Stormed at with shot and shell to remind the reader that the cavalry was under fire both in to action and homeward bound. Against a backdrop of criticism of the war Tennyson is reminding the reader throughout that the action was to be admired When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Here reminding the reader that through the action Britain remains admired. This contrasts with Li Pos Nefarious War that has none of the elements of message contained within Charge of the Light Brigade. Li Pos poem is at its heart anti war; So, men are scattered and smeared over the desert grass, And the generals have accomplished nothing suggests the absolute pointless waste of human life by the soldiers, leaders. In contrast Tennysons only reference to the poor leadership of the war was Not though the soldier knew, Someone had blundered Tennysons assertion that some good came out of the action exampled by the splendid military precision displayed by the cavalry Boldly they rode and well and Flashed all their sabres bare, Flashed as they turned in air suggesting military discipline and prowess, this contrasts with Scotts The Drum- I hate that drums discordant sound, Parading round, and round, and round the repetition of round provides an imagery of pointless drilling of soldiers undergoing repetitive tasks for no apparent reason. In conclusion, the range of poems and poets that I have included in my study have expressed the full range of emotions and views from the heroic to the wastefulness of war but, ultimately, all have provided a graphic portrayal of the effect of war on humanity. Of the main poets that I have concentrated on, Homer and Tennyson focus on the energy of war and portray human sacrifice as the ultimate in. In contrast, Po wants to inform people of the terrors of war in order that humanity will learn from the terrible deaths of the war-torn and not have wars in the future. While Po has more of a wide-reaching message, probably aimed at a more at a high political level, Whitman similarly portrays war as wasteful, he concentrates on the more personal, everyman loss that soldiers deaths have on families back home. Finally, John Scotts poem, The Drum portrays the initial bravado and excitement that war can incite in both soldiers and the people at home, but ends with the brutal realities of the m angled limbs, and dying groans, And widows tears, and orphans moans, And all that Miserys hand bestows, that demonstrate the truly awful effects of war on humanity, which are perfectly summed up by Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790), There never was a good war or a bad peace.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Miwok Social Life :: essays research papers
History Final Miwoks set many standards for themselves and the tribe. They were usually very hard workers, working harsh numbers of hours a day to keep the tribe alive. There were hunters, fishers, and many other jobs for people. A non-nomadic people, the Miwoks settled in the Yosemite Valley. My report is on the Miwok Social Life. Games, customs, jobs, and many other things about the Miwok Indians will all be covered in this. The way they lived, what they ate, and what they farmed. They all had a job, some of the women wove baskets, and some of them cooked. The men hunted, fished, made canoes, and fought. The first step of stepping into the life of a Miwok is to understand their dress. They were generally very lenient on clothing, some children going completely naked. Many wore flaps and when the men hunted, they camouflaged themselves in deerskins and grasses. Now you must know how they lived. What they lived in, how they built their homes, and such. U-ma-cha is the named of the home they lived in. Much like a "tee-pee", These homes were made of the thick bark of the Sequoia Redwoods. Mud and dirt was piled on the bottom of these homes, to keep water and rodents out, and heat in. They were at times coated with a layer of pine needles. About 8-15 feet in diameter, these homes were small. They did not bathe, but instead sat in sweat houses until they sweat the smell off and then ran out and jumped in a cold stream (Chilly Willy). Most slept on Deerskins, but a few slept on willow frames lifting them only inches from the ground, while the chief slept on a bearskin. The fire, at the center of each U-ma-cha, was used for cooking and heat. It was vital to have this fire burning constantly. There was also a ceremonial sweat house used for special ceremonies. This had a roof of 5 inches thick and was in the center of the village. The foods the Miwoks ate are also another step. With plentiful amounts of food in the Yosemite Valley, the Miwok stayed where they were. With out the need to move about in a nomadic fashion, their villages grew. This meant for a large need of food. Their main food was acorns. The women prepared this by cracking and shelling the acorns, then drying them.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Professor you started by saying we will be discussing what we have learned throughout the term units one through 9. Also you told the class that you would like us to turn in our unit 9 assignments by Friday, any time by Friday night so you could have the weekend to grade and return back to us. You had a trouble accessing the unit 8 drop box, so you informed everyone who has submitted their assignment that they should email the assignment to you instead, but everything should be working ust fine.We started the seminar with the handout and PowerPoint. Unit9 handout what is this course all about. Some questions raised is how does these skills play out in the legal field, you answered it by saying we really need is a mythological. Step one in the legal field you must always define the facts, someone might come to you asking for advise, you must always define the facts when facts are presented, get facts complete and correct about what has happened. Second step is who are the clients, who do I represent. Step three what is the objective, which is to when on behalf of my client.Step four what are the claims. Step five; you must map the fact against the statutes and common law. Step 6, do the research, step 8 is go for the win, you present your facts and findings. Everything we have learned in the past nine units is what the big picture is in the long run of the legal field. There are three Distinct type of writing; HRAC historical, legal memorandum, brief. We went on to the PowerPoint, which focuses on the legal memorandum. In a legal emorandum you must always keep in mind the analysis, can you win. e discussed using the Legal memorandum on unit 9 assignment, you have us the opportunity if those who want to do a legal memorandum will get an extra 5 points. Putting together a memorandum, Step 1 who are you representing, step 2 what is a win, step3 capture all the facts and discard all irrelevant facts. Step 4 is to do the research, research anything we can get our han ds on. Step five would be to back track and make sure you covered any and all facts possible. Key sites everything. To pile for the client, what is good and what is bad.Step 8 is to do a discussion based on all the information given. You stressed how you would prefer the class to try the legal memorandum that you have discussed in the power point do to it be the way it will be done in the legal field. In the legal field, law firms don't go down the list. the 5 points. For the conclusion portion you stated that is may be 0k, to state that there can be a low chance that the law firm may when the case, do to sufficient evidence, or we ould state that we have a high chance at winning, of course every case is not winnable.Based on the law, that is what are conclusion is based on. A classmate brought up the question of statute of limitation to which you replied that we should assume that there are no statute of limitation that was a really great question. our final exam will cover everyth ing that we have learned from unit 1-9. I understand that this will be our last seminar professor, and I can't stress enough how much I appreciate you feedback and help with regards to turning in my work. I thank you.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cyber Security And Internet Policy - 2188 Words
Cyber Security and Internet Policy IT-644-OL: Technology, Law, and Policy Instructor: Martin Ignatovski Student: Akash Allamuneni Introduction: Cyber security threats change quickly as Internet increases, and also the related dangers are getting to be progressively international. Being covered against cyber security threats requires almost all end users, actually the most complex versions, to know the particular threats in addition to enhance their particular safety measures with a continuing foundation. On April 28, 2014 President Obama has declared that the â€Å"cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation†and that â€Å"America s economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber security.†The internet enables and also helps people in a many ways and a example is collect, store, process huge amounts of data, which includes vulnerable data of small business, transactional and personal. Everything in this world is based on internet now a days. The actual increasing nature connected with treats and vulnerabilities not just affects specific businesses and their particular consumers, nevertheless in concert this treats present a chronic economical and countrywide stability problem. Since the review clarified, revealing obligation to protect cyber security across all pertinent significant can be growing to be ever more critical. Research equipment usually are extreme and significantlyShow MoreRelatedThe Future For National Security1496 Words  | 6 Pages As the world moves forward, there are new threats that arise and it is difficult to handle each one. One of the largest threats to any country are cyber-attacks/computer hacking. Each day on the news there is a developing story about a country’s data base being hacked by an anonymous source and all the classified files were exposed to the public. 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