Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Persuasive letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Persuasive letter - Essay Example As well, our budget does not allow for the kind of production that you have presented and so we have therefore decided to go with a different option. Please feel free to resubmit with us again for next year’s event. We found your ideas interesting and if you provide a stronger application with more research prior to the presentation, we would love to consider using your ideas. As well as the research considering city codes and policies, we would like to see more thoroughly organized plans for building the production so that we are reassured that you can provide the production that you are promising. While we loved the illustrations and the ideas, we were unclear as to how the construction was going to be accomplished. While budget is our main concern, we were also concerned that the process that would give us the production had not been fully considered. We would love to see a similar presentation that has been modified to fit within our budget and that has been completed with engineered plans and potential problems with the city researched. Once again, while this year we have chosen to use another company, we were impressed with your presentation and look forward to seeing you participate next year. We were very interested in your ideas. While we have gone a different way, we find that the production you have offered can provide a potential benefit for our marketing purposes should you be able to provide a more thoroughly researched project that satisfies the issues that can arise from such an undertaking. I want to thank you for the meeting we had on Thursday. The presentation that you gave was creative and offered many wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, we will be unable to use your company at this time. The ideas that you presented were innovative and creative, however we are unsure that the city will allow for balloons of that size to occupy the space of the street. As you were unable to provide us with information on the policies of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Mind game Essay Example for Free
Mind game Essay Interrogation is a mind game. I will set up a friendly environment where the suspect feels comfortable to gain his trust and becomes receptive to my questions. I will play with his thoughts and emotions that perhaps what he did was unintentional or a result of unavoidable circumstance. I will not directly put the blame on the suspect but will make him fully understand the moral seriousness of the crime. Furthermore, I will tell him that there is overwhelming physical evidence that would implicate him to the crime and that there are witnesses and fingerprints found in the crime scene, even if I have to make a bluff. Then I will offer him different theories to what happened, one more justifiable than the other. Whichever he chose, guilt is already admitted. Preparation is essential for a successful interrogation. First, the surrounding should be conducive without distractions and guarantees privacy. This will also give me the opportunity to analyze the body language of the suspect. I will study the case facts which will be the basis for my questionings. My knowledge about the crime can somehow persuade the suspect to tell the truth. In addition, I will also study the personal background information of both the victim and suspect, more so about the suspect’s feelings, attitudes, and values. Finally, I will resolve the details of the documentation like forms, audiotape, and videos so that the interrogation process is not disrupted. The Miranda warning has adversely affected the procedures of police work. In its report Handcuffing the Cops: Miranda’s Harmful Effects on Law Enforcement, the National Center for Policy Analysis disclosed that the warning caused a significant drop in confessions. With few confessions, police have difficulty in solving crimes. Therefore, the Supreme Court should suspend Miranda for crime prevention to be effective and detect early terrorism threats. References Cassell, P. G. (1998). Handcuffing the Cops: Miranda’s Harmful Effects on Law Enforcement. National Center for Policy Analysis. NCPA Policy Report No. 218, August 1998. ISBN #1-56808-040-9 Fleisher, W L. Gordon, N. J. (2001). Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques. Academic Press, New York. 1st edition. ISBN-10: 0122603818 Inbau, F. E. , Reid, J. E. , Buckley, J. P. Jayne, B. C. (2004). Essentials of the Reid Technique: Criminal Interrogation and Confessions. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. , MA. ISBN-10: 0763727288
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The American Landscape of Literature Essay -- Literary Analysis, J.D S
The authors J.D Salinger and Joseph Heller have created novels that depict the American landscape based on spirit, culture, identity and values. American spirit is defined through rebellion in both novels. J.D Salinger captures rebellion through Holden’s refusal to go with the flow of society, and Joseph Heller shows rebellion using Yossarian to capture rebellion by his ideals that it is better to survive then fight in a war while most Americans uphold the belief that it is an honor to sacrifice oneself for one’s country. The essence of American culture is portrayed in the novels by the loose meaning of love in that era. Both authors define the loose meaning of love through the multiple lovers both Holden and Yossarian obtain, as well as the lack of seriousness used when stating they are in love. J.D Salinger defines the American identity of individualism through Holden’s desire to make his own decisions and choose his own fate. Joseph Heller uses Yossarian to de scribe the American identity of independence because of his want to be free of the war and all the hardships it brings. Finally the American values are defined by J.D Salinger and Joseph Heller through Holden’s concern for a person’s inner being, and Yossarian’s concern for self-preservation. Through the development of the characters Holden and Yossarian, the novels Catcher in the Rye and Catch-22 capture the meaning of being an American through spirit, culture, identity and value’s. The Catcher in the Rye and Catch-22 are novels which equally capture the essence of rebellion in the entirety of the American spirit. Salinger demonstrates the American spirit through teenage rebellion arising from the needs of truth and security in life. The protagonist, Holden, creates this... ...fluences him to impress his superiors with the sacrifice of his inferiors. Throughout both novels, the essence of being an American has portrayed by Holden and Yossarian through American spirit, culture, identity, and values. Both characters develop through the novels to capture the American landscape of literature. The American spirit is conveyed by the spirit of rebellion in Holden and Yossarian. American culture is portrayed by Holden and Yossarian through the loose term and meaning of love in the era around World War II. Both protagonists and antagonists in Catcher in the Rye and Catch-22 capture the American identity of individualism and independence, as well as their opposites. The American values are also shown by both protagonists and antagonists through the concern of the inner being of a person and the desire for self-preservation and their opposites.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Love’s Last Shift
Love’s Last Shift by Cooley Sibber has something for everybody and therefore it is hailed as the opportunistic work. Its ‘virtues’ are many and it caters to the needs of audience of all types. It highlights the conflicts of the gender roles. It appeals to the sentiments of men and women both as it is the same old story through the ages– It is between him and her. The play doesn’t depict that the interests of men and women need to be at the loggerheads always and they should ever remain at war. It concedes that sentimental reconciliation is possible, though it leaves the hearts and minds of parties involved in the conflicts, damaged. This play has been hailed as the Restoration Comedy. It has daring sex scenes and enjoyable farce. From the point of view audience, such family dramas are immensely liked, for each man identifies himself with the male character and each woman with the female character. And the final reconciliation between the two calms he agitated minds of both male and female. In the ultimate analysis, such a favorable result to the conflict is desired and welcomed by both. Summary of the plot: Amanda has a unique problem; it could as well be the problem of most of the wives. It is about reformation and rehabilitation of her husband. She earnestly desires to control her husband, Loveless, who has been  going astray. His only pastime for the last ten years is to budget his time between the brothel and the bottle. He goes to the extent of not recognizing his wife, when he returns to London. She seduces him, acting like a top-class prostitute, at her luxurious house, and Loveless is totally taken by her physical charms and guile. She treats him throughout the night, gives him everything the mad and crazy body-loving, sensuous man desires to have from a woman. The high drama goes on till the morning, when she reveals to him her true identity. The fickle-minded Loveless is greatly impressed by her faithfulness, and a reformed individual emerges out of his dubious â€Å"movement that drove laughter from the stage and ushered in the platitudinous sententiousness and dreary exemplars of moral propriety that abound in eighteen century sentimental comedy.†(Love’s†¦) Love’s Last Shift is his first play. (1696) In the meantime, the love-adventures of Sir Novelty, always fascinated with the women, that he comes into contact,  add to the humor of the play. His fickle-mindedness and weakness before the feminine charms is understandable by the male audience. The comedy depicts the status and position of the women of that era, and how she worked to maintain the essential dignity of the family life in the trials, tribulations, duty and beauty of her life. Character analysis: Taking to consideration to the era to which the play belonged, it needs to get the credit it deserves. The interesting character of Sir Novelty, who flirts with many women, but at the same time remains deeply interested in maintaining his own appearance, is the example of the then prevailing fashion trends. His witticisms are enjoyable and demand attention. Polygamy is nothing new in a society, but the style in which it is characterized in the play like the role of John Vanbrugh’s sequel, is thoroughly enjoyable. The play was the hit of the era but has not stood the test of the time. The characters of this sentimental comedy dominated the English stage for nearly a century. â€Å"Although Cibber drew extensively on the comedy of mannersâ€â€his plays are sometimes said to be four acts of manners comedy followed by one act of sentimental comedy.†(Loves†¦) The rest are supportive roles, but each doing justice to the identity of the character to which it was created. The rakish young lover, Sir Novelty’s mistress Flareit, Sir Novelty Fashion etc. Love’s Last Shift confirms to the pattern of three such comedies by Cibber, â€Å"a husband and wife whose marriage is either in ruins or seriously in jeopardy, which mainly because of the man’s failure to appreciate his wife’s true qualities and his consequent pursuit of extra-marital sexual conquests. In each case, however, the husband is brought to a realization that true bliss is martial, and he, repents and reforms, virtue and ‘bourgeois’ morality emerge triumphant.†(Loves†¦)  In the present case, the wife has the taste of sweet revenge against her erring husband. Conclusion: Love’s Last Shift is Cibber’s first play. He â€Å"has often been accused of marking the beginning of the end of true comedy. Cultural historians would prefer to see his comedies as a symptom of the decisive social, political, and economic changes that took place during his lifetime, but there is no doubt that Cibber did much to transform comic drama in those years of transition between 1690 and 1710 during which the essentially satirical comedy of manners gave way to the essentially exemplary comedy of sentiments.†(Loves†¦) The fact that the play keeps the interest of the audience alive for a century means its characters have got to be truly exceptional and they must have weaved the magic on the stage. As for the criticism in the play, everyone has the right to criticize the prevailing social conditions. The suspenseful and comic sequences when Loveless makes love to his own wife, without being aware of it, are highly amusing. The role of Sir Novelty Fashion is challenging and has capacity to offer still challenge to the modern fashion-designer. References Cited: Article: Love’s Last  Shift (I696), has often been accused of marking the beginning of the end of true comedy. Cultural historians would prefer to see†¦ – Retrieved on May 5, 2008.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Sarah Winter Silver 1 World Literature 4/27/09 Angela Vicario is responsible for the murder of Santiago Nasar. Although it was her twin brothers that committed the actual crime, the reasons behind their murder come directly from their beautiful sister Angela. While it wasn’t Angela who directly murdered Santiago, she is just as guilty as the rest. Angela is complacent and also participated in the solicitation of the murder of Santiago Nasar. The marriage between Bayardo San Roman and Angela Vicario set a strong foundation for the murder. If the marriage between Bayardo and Angela had never occurred, Santiago Nasar would still be alive. Ever since Angela was a child, she faced a strong pressure to get married. â€Å"The girls had been reared to get married. †(Page 31) It is notable that Angela was the prettiest of her three sisters and several men desired her. Many men were interested in marrying her, especially Bayardo San Roman, but Angela was not interested in marrying unless she was in love. â€Å"Angela Vicario never forgot the horror of the night on which her parents and her older sisters with their husbands gathered together in the parlor, imposed on her the obligation to marry a man whom she had barely seen. (Page 24) Bayardo, on the other hand, was determined to marry her and in a hurry to do so. Their engagement lasted only six months, and their marriage lasted not even one night. â€Å"No one would have thought, nor did anyone say, that Angela Vicario wasn’t a virgin. †(Page 37) Her family was incredibly protective of her and â€Å"She’d grown up along with her sisters unde r the rigor of a mother of iron. †(Page 37) Angela Vicario was terribly naive for going into this marriage without her virginity. She had been distressed but eventually listened to her two confidantes. They assured her that almost all women lost their virginity in childhood accidents and that even the most difficult of husbands resigned themselves to anything as long as nobody knew about it. †(Page 38) Apparently Bayardo San Roman was an exception. Only four hours after the extravagant wedding and dancing festivities, Pura Vicario (Angela’s mother) was woken by three very slow knocks. â€Å"Her [Angela Vicario] satin dress was in shreds and she was wrapped in a towel up to the waist. †(Page 46) Bayardo San Roman was there to return his wife because she was not a virgin. Pura Vicario beat her daughter mercilessly and urgently ummoned her twin sons home. â€Å"They found Angela Vicario lying face down on the dining room couch, her face all bruised†¦P edro Vicario, the more forceful of the brothers picked her up by the waist and sat her on the dining room table. ‘All right, girls,’ he said to her, trembling with rage, ‘tell us who it was. ’ She only took the time necessary to say the name. She looked for it in the shadows, she found it at first sight among the many, many easily confused names from this world and the other, and she nailed it to the wall with her well-aimed dart, like a butterfly with no will whose sentence had always been written. Santiago Nasar. ’ she said. †(Page 47) Angela Vicario named Santiago Nasar as the perpetrator and whether he did it or not, Angela gave him a death sentence the moment his name escaped her lips. When Angela’s brothers asked who took her virginity, she could have named any man in town. It is never confirmed nor denied whether Santiago Nasar had sex with Angela Vicario or not. However, if he was not the man to take her virginity, then why woul d Angela Vicario give his name? This raises many new questions, for instance, did they have consensual sex? Did Santiago rape her? Were they in love but never had sex, and was Angela only trying to protect Santiago? Or was the entire sexual encounter made up? Marquez never answers these questions, and the reader has to make several inferences. The image of a butterfly pinned to a wall is symbolic of both Angela Vicario and Santiago Nasar’s situation. Once she had stated that Santiago is the one who took her virginity, both of their fates became pinned. If Angela did not give her brothers a name, they would have become furious at her for protecting the man who had dishonored her. She â€Å"pins†Santiago with her words, but she is also pinning herself by the sexism of the culture. The description of Angela’s thought process when she spoke Santiago’s name suggests that Angela is not only thinking of people who are alive but also those who are dead (â€Å"many easily confused names from this world and the other. †) This is not a proven fact, but this strongly implies that Angela chose his name at random, which would mean Angela Vicario sanctioned the murder of an innocent man. Like almost all of the townspeople, Angela Vicario is complacent. â€Å"There had never been a death more foretold. †(Page 50) Everybody knew of the Vicario twin’s intentions, â€Å"The Vicario brothers had told their plans to more than a dozen people who had gone to buy milk, and these had spread the news everywhere before six o’clock. †(Page 58) Yet the only person out of the whole town to attempt stopping the Vicario twins was Colonel Aponte. The murder of Santiago Nasar never would have happened if Angela had done several things differently. If Angela had kept her virginity, the disaster never would have surfaced. Angela could have simply given a different name, and Santiago would still be alive. It also would have been fairly easy for her to stop her brothers from murdering Santiago. Not only is she complacent in the murder, but she also gave the solicitation of murder. Pablo and Pedro Vicario are innocent; they were murdering simply to protect their sister, something any brother would have done without a question. Angela Vicario is clearly responsible for the gruesome murder of Santiago Nasar. Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chronicle of a Death Foretold
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